Register as a Role-player

In terms of regulations published under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)

Required fields are indicated with a *
1. Details
The name of the legal person as registered with CIPC, or the name of the natural person who is registerable in terms of the statutory measures.

1.6 Head of institution contact details
The most senior official of the institution / unit of the institution (such as the Managing Director or Owner).
1.6.5 Receive Informational Emails
1.7 Administrative contact details / person responsible for the submission of monthly returns
The person who will be responsible for the submission of the monhly return forms.
1.7.5 Receive Informational Emails
Institution has a financial manager?
1.8 Financial Manager contact information
If the institution does not employ a financial manager, then the person who is responsible for the finances
1.8.5 Receive invoices and statements
1.8.6 Receive Informational Emails
Institution has a creditors and payments contact person?
1.9 Creditors and payments contact information / person responsible for payments
1.9.5 Receive invoices and statements
Institution has a production manager?
1.10 Production manager contact information
1.10.5 Receive invoices and statements

1.11 Physical address of institution's head office/person
1.12 Postal address of institution/person
1.13 Physical address of processing plant(s)
If the physical address of any processing plant(s) differs from the address mentioned under field 1.11, please add the address(es)
Add plant address Remove last plant
2. Registration category*
3. Subcategories of involvement of your business*
The subcategories indicating the business involvement in cow's, goat's and sheep's milk is only available ("enabled") if "Processor of raw milk" or "Milk producer" was selected in paragraph 2.
Login information
The password needs to be a minimum of 6 characters long. It is recommended to use a mixture of lower and uppercase letters and some numbers or symbols.
Please re-enter your password.


  1. Confidential information of any person subject to registration at Milk SA, will be handled in accordance with section 23(2) of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No: 47 of 1996); and the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act No. 4 of 2013)
  2. Return forms as prescribed by Milk SA must be submitted to Milk SA on a monthly basis.
  3. Cow's milk includes buffalo and camel milk.
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